Info from Dr. Celine, nutritionist Shaklee
1- Sugar in mealshakes - is it fructose?
Yes, but not all, only part of it. Fructose is natural carbohydrate found in fruits and vegetables, and in meal shakes, we extract it from corn
BM TRANSLATION - sebahagian gula dalam mealshakes adalah fruktosa yakni karbohidrat semulajadi dlm buah & sayur. Utk mealshake kita amik dr jagung.
2-How many gram per serving?
8.8g per serving
BM TRANSLATION : kandungan fruktos ada 8.8 gram/serving
3- Does fructose cause cancer?
Personally I don't agree, The evidence is still weak and unclear.
BM TRANSLATION : fruktosa tidak menyebabkan kanser
4- What is maltodextrin? The source?
In mealshakes, It is extracted from
corn too. It is mean for binding vitamins and minerals together in meal shakes
BM TRANSLATION : maltodextrin diekstrak dr jagung utk ikat vitamin & nutrient
5- Is it the same with the additive- maltodextrin in the junk food?
No, ours is natural corn extract
BM TRANSLATION : maltodextrin ni tak sama dgn yg dlm junk food, kita punya adalah dibuat secara semulajadi dr jagung.
Harap semua jelas tentang gula dalam meal Shakes
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