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April 15, 2014



By: Aimi Farhana

Wat de hek ar yu talking about minah?? wat de nonsen is makan sublock? Ar yu kreji??Cari penyakit??

No. i'm not crazy friends and family..

It's all about good intake of supplements. Trust me..And its far more better than the sunblock lotion. But still...u still need the sunblock lotion as sun doesnt emit only good rays but also bad rays such as UV as u guys common with....and the result is SUNBURN!!.......and if not treated will lead to pigmentation and freckles guys..

To make it worse, after age of 30s, the effects from sunburn is much more dramatic. so we need to find not only good lotions and moisterisers but also food or supplements to fight the side affects of  sun's bad rays..

And i have a solution for u. No need the hassle and hanky panky of thick layer of sunblock lotion. After all, sunblock only cover the applied about the other parts of body? 

Little by little, the area of the damaged cells area will grow bigger paralled to the untreated period of time. and as time left, the damaged will be affected until the deepest layer of epidermis. of course it's harder to be treated.

So the solution of all the messy up, i recommend the daily intake of COQHEALTH PLUS

It does contain Coenzim CoQ10

Functions and Benefits 
  1. Skin rejuvination 
  2. Cell repair 
  3. Enhance collagen 
  4. Send oxygen to skin 
  5. Enhance blood circulation 
  6. Coenzymes help enzymes work to digest food and perform other body processes, and they help protect the heart and skeletal muscles. 
  7. give glowing effect to skin as it has enough of oxygen and rejuvenated 

To order, contact below:

Aimi Farhana Yusof  (id 1094719) - Pengedar Shaklee Berdaftar
No Tel: 019-2076058
COD area: Jerteh dan seluruh Besut, Setiu, Pasir Puteh, Kota Bharu. 


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